Casting news continues to trickle out for AMC’s Preacher, the upcoming adaptation of the comic series by Garth Ennis. We...
Casting for Marvel’s second Netflix series, AKA Jessica Jones, is continuing to take shape. After learning last month that Krysten Ritter...
Gotham will remain on the airwaves for the entirety of its first season, which just got a little bit longer. Fox...
Sons of Anarchy will be coming to an end after this season, and after the shocking events of the Season Six...
A few weeks ago, we brought word that Steven Spielberg had begun development on a television version of hit film...
In a brief announcement today, FX has confirmed that they “will not be moving forward with a third season of The...
AMC’s flagship zombie drama The Walking Dead made its annual pilgrimage to San Diego Comic-Con last weekend, and although their...
Jada Pinkett Smith has apparently had her fill of Gotham and will not be returning to the show for its second season....
While Brent assembles all of his coverage from WonderCon 2015, Warner Bros TV has given the internet a taste of what...
While The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season 2 is set to premiere on September 29, 2024, production for Season 3...
The X-Files fans wanted to believe, and now they’re being rewarded for their loyalty with new episodes returning to Fox. Even...
Last fall, we heard that TNT had begun development on a live-action television series based on the Teen Titans comics....