Actress Devon Aoki (2 Fast 2 Furious, Sin City) has been cast in the major recurring role of DC Comic’s...
After the surprising news that Drew Goddard was stepping down as showrunner for the first Marvel/Netflix series Daredevil, and being replaced...
Gotham will remain on the airwaves for the entirety of its first season, which just got a little bit longer. Fox...
The media onslaught since the announcement of the Gotham TV series on Fox has been pretty steady. Today, fans got...
Last month, we got our first look at the highly anticipated second season of Netflix’s riveting political drama, House of...
In two weeks, Chris Pine will become the fourth actor to appear on the big screen as Jack Ryan, the...
Sons of Anarchy isn’t the only FX series preparing for its last hurrah – Justified will also be coming to...
Two weeks ago, FX unveiled the first TV spot for the final season of Justified, which will see the end of...
A few weeks ago, we brought word that Steven Spielberg had begun development on a television version of hit film...
Sons of Anarchy will be coming to an end after this season, and after the shocking events of the Season Six...
The reboot train keeps rolling, and this time around it’s the Stargate franchise that’s getting a fresh coat of paint for...
The teaser trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gave us our first look at the reimagined reptiles in action, as...