Pixar’s 19th animated feature starts from a familiar place, centered around a young boy named Miguel (Anthony Gonzalez) with only...
On a lonely stretch of road in the Midwest, Mildred Hayes (Frances McDormand) drives a beat-up station wagon past a...
It’s been 43 years since the release of Sidney Lumet’s star-studded adaptation of Murder on the Orient Express – not...
As the end of the year comes to a close, a few major questions pop up in this writer’s mind....
Ed Wood’s Plan 9 From Outer Space is often regarded as the worst film in the history of cinema, but...
The LEGO Movie wasn’t big enough to hold the LEGO Dark Knight, so the little man in black got his...
One of the most important tennis matches in history – and one of the sport’s most iconic and influential figures...
The wizarding world of Harry Potter is back and getting a lot bigger with the long-anticipated release of Fantastic Beasts...
Anguished screams can be heard emanating from the basement of a slaughterhouse in a small Finnish village, but it’s not...
No matter how many sequels or reboots the Halloween franchise undergoes – like the on-screen persona, interest in the character...
Wobble Palace, premiering at the 2018 SXSW Film Festival, is one of the most uncomfortable films I’ve ever sat through,...
Told in “six acts and an epilogue set in divided Berlin” as a title card helpfully explains, Luca Guadagnino’s Suspiria...