In the 2010s, gaming began to see an influx of multiplayer modes tacked onto primarily single-player games, driven by a...
Based on true events, 23 Blast is the inspirational story of high school football star Travis Freeman, who loses his eyesight...
Evil wrapped up its series with some significant developments, including the conclusion of the assessor program that introduced Kristen (Katja...
Arrival is the latest from Sicario director Denis Villeneuve and tackles the often visited sci-fi subject of “first contact,” but...
Three years ago, the stars of several different superhero films joined forces in Marvel’s The Avengers. Not only was it...
Everything has led up to this moment. Ten years of Marvel Studios films and a brief sneering cameo by the...
Premiering at the 2017 SXSW Film Festival ahead of its August release date, Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver nearly blew the...
As the end of the year comes to a close, a few major questions pop up in this writer’s mind....
One of the most important tennis matches in history – and one of the sport’s most iconic and influential figures...
Dwayne Johnson, the self-proclaimed “franchise Viagra” with an ever-growing list of huge opening weekends, will face his biggest box office...
Ever since the Disney acquisition of Marvel in 2009, fans of both entities have been awaiting the first true collaborative...
Some 20 years ago, Riggan Thomson (Michael Keaton) was the hottest actor in the world as star of the Birdman franchise, a...