The significance of Columbus, Indiana’s architectural landmarks was lost on me as a young man growing up a rural part...
Kingsman: The Golden Circle is the second movie in as many months to boast Channing Tatum affecting a good ol’...
“Adventure, excitement… A Jedi craves not these things…” These wise words from a tiny green creature on Dagobah echo through...
The super-powered girls of Super Hero High are back with a brand new feature-length direct-to-DVD film in DC Super Hero Girls:...
In an age where Hollywood seems hell-bent on remaking, rebooting and sequelizing nearly every property with a recognizable name, Denis...
After years of fan clamoring, followed by teases from Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, Ash Williams finally returned in 2015...
Ash vs Evil Dead Season 2 has just solidified itself as the most batshit-crazy show, on television and we couldn’t...
If you’re the kind of person who thinks the mere utterance of the F-word is cause for a chuckle, then...
A world without a Spider-Man cartoon currently airing is a sad world indeed and Marvel and Disney XD agree with...
With a long-overdue big screen adventure for Wonder Woman generating huge box office returns earlier this summer, casual fans who...
Before he became the first African-American to serve on the Supreme Court, and before he successfully argued a landmark civil...
When I first saw the preview for The Shannara Chronicles, I couldn’t believe that it was an MTV show. I’ll...