Wilfred is entering the home stretch toward its series finale after four years on the FX Networks, and the show has been...
The first season of FX’s critically-acclaimed television drama The Bridge was recently released on DVD, and we’re giving away a...
Last night, Marvel offered an extended IMAX preview of Guardians of the Galaxy, showcasing 17 minutes from the upcoming film....
The last of Peter Jackson’s epic Tolkien franchise The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies hits theaters this December and...
The first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles trailer wasn’t met with much enthusiasm, mostly thanks to the bizarre design choices on...
While fans of Disney’s smash hit Frozen are anxiously awaiting news of a sequel, the franchise is continuing to expand...
UPDATED: Thanks to StarWars.com, we now have the full list of theaters that will be showing the Star Wars: The...
I wasn’t the biggest fan of Ted – while it definitely had its moments, I thought the film wore out...
After the shocking and tragic death of Paul Walker in November, Universal halted production on Fast and Furious 7, which...
With the success of Legendary’s excellent Godzilla reboot, a sequel was all but guaranteed, and yesterday at Comic-Con the studio made...
While Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt may not have stuck around to direct the sequel,...
South African filmmakers Neill Blomkamp is best known for his sci-fi action thrillers District 9 and Elysium, and while his...