After writing two incredibly well-received science fiction films, 28 Days Later and Sunshine, Alex Garland is finally moving behind the camera for his directorial debut, Ex Machina. The film tells the story of a young programmer named Caleb (Domhnall Gleeson), who wins a contest that grants him a trip to secluded mountain retreat owned by his company’s CEO, Nathan (Oscar Isaac). Upon arrival, he discovers that his boss has built an incredibly advanced A.I. called Ava (Alicia Vikander), who takes an almost immediate liking to Caleb. But are Ava’s emotions authentic, or merely the result of her programming? Check out the Ex Machina trailer below.
While the teaser certainly sets the tone for things to come, Universal Pictures UK has posted an alternate trailer that delves much further into the film’s plot. Some of this material could be deemed spoiler-ish, so check out the international Ex Machina trailer at your own risk.
Ex Machina is scheduled for release on April 10, 2015.
Alex Garland, writer of 28 Days Later and Sunshine, makes his directorial debut with the stylish and cerebral thriller, EX MACHINA. Caleb Smith (Domhnall Gleeson), a programmer at an internet-search giant, wins a competition to spend a week at the private mountain estate of the company’s brilliant and reclusive CEO, Nathan Bateman (Oscar Isaac). Upon his arrival, Caleb learns that Nathan has chosen him to be the human component in a Turing Test—charging him with evaluating the capabilities, and ultimately the consciousness, of Nathan’s latest experiment in artificial intelligence. That experiment is Ava (Alicia Vikander), a breathtaking A.I. whose emotional intelligence proves more sophisticated, seductive––and more deceptive––than the two men could have imagined.
alex garland alicia vikander domhnall gleeson ex machina oscar isaac