'Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice' Casts Jason Momoa as Aquaman

Despite repeatedly denying his involvement, it looks like Jason Momoa will indeed be appearing as Aquaman in Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The news comes courtesy of Hitfix, who comfirms the casting rumor and says that director Zack Snyder “has already finalized his designs for the character so shooting can take place soon.”

According to the report, the Man of Steel sequel will deal with the consequences of Superman’s battle against General Zod, and Aquaman will be more than a little upset with the state of the Indian Ocean after Zod’s World Engine wreaked havoc on the ecosystem. Aquaman’s role will not be a major one, but will set up his appearance for the Justice League film.

Just last month, Hitfix reported Momoa’s vehement denials during an appearance at Detroit’s Motor City Comic-Con, where the actor responded to a question about the rumors:

“No. Stop asking me. It’s so annoying. Sorry, you’re not annoying… Oh, you’re the press? Get the fuck out of here. Here, put this in there — you’re a dick, you’re a dick… I think it started when people said ‘What superhero would you play?’ And I’d say Batman and Superman, they’d be awesome together… Then people were like, ‘He’s in ‘Batman vs. Superman’!’ I’m like, I really like Lobo. ‘HE’S LOBO!!’ And then some asshole was like ‘He’s Aquaman!’ And I’m like — what did you just call me? Where the fuck do you pull out Aquaman? Seriously… And then it shows up on the Internet. Not that it’s a bad rumor.”

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice will be released on May 6, 2016.

batman vs superman dawn of justice jason momoa

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